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Our charity of choice is the Children's Brain Tumour Research Centre based here at the University of Nottingham 7 Queen's Medical Centre.

Visit their site to find out more & donate


You can donate directly to the Big iMri Appeal by visiting the Nottingham Hospitals Charity Website right here... 

When Poppy's treatment is finished (approx February 2019) CLIC Sargent are the team that take on any additional help that Poppy may need at home and school. 

Visit their site to find out more & donate


Some people much prefer to donate or gift directly to the family. At the  start of all this, we were completely overwhelmed by the response to Just Giving Page that was set up by our friend Julie.

Furthermore a fundraising gig was organised which along with some other generous donations as meant we've been able to miss work when required and purchase essential items and home improvements needed to aid Poppy's journey.

You can donate directly into Poppy's own savings account, e-mail for account details.

Alternatively you can donate any amount to the whole family using the PayPal button below. It truly means the world to us xxx

© 2018 Poppy Rocks

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